The No Choice Travel Agency

The No Choice Travel Agency was a pop-up advocacy experience in Manhattan. The pop-up was open for a single week in October, 2018.

Credits and Thanks 

The No Choice Travel Agency was created and executed by patient advocates Erika Christensen and Garin Marschall who travelled to Colorado for an abortion at 32 weeks due to New York State’s abortion law.

No Choice Travel Brand Design by Erich Lazar, Tastes Like Burning Design

The “Travel Agent”, Jacob Hoffman

Video by The Collective Agency

This project would not have been possible without the work and collaboration of Katrina Kimport, ANSIRH at UCSF

We would like to thank the patients who have generously shared their stories so we may better understand who seeks later abortions and the obstacles they face

A special thanks to the volunteers who made the project happen !